2016 is more exciting with you!
Time : 2016-06-01

Summing up 2015 and looking forward to 2016, Zhejiang Minghuang Natural Food Development Co., Ltd. held a New Year mobilization conference on February 14, 2016 at Longyou Qingshuiwan Hotel with the theme of "promoting innovation and cultivating talents to go hand in hand to create another brilliant future". All employees of the company attended the conference.

At the New Year's mobilization meeting, Mr. Fu Zhusheng, the chairman of the board of directors, delivered a congratulatory speech for the New Year and made an inspiring mobilization report around the theme of this year's conference. In the past 2015, although the external situation was complex and severe, the Ming Emperor people were not afraid of difficulties and challenges. Through the joint efforts and cooperation of all staff, they achieved fruitful results. Looking forward to 2016, we are full of confidence and high morale, working around the theme of "promoting innovation" and "cultivating talents", and believe that we will usher in a more brilliant tomorrow!

The New Year's Conference held an advanced commendation activity. Ms. Zhong Liping, the assistant general manager of the company, read out the commendation document of 2015's excellent employees and 2015's excellent reading experience. Subsequently, the company's senior management issued certificates and bonuses to the winners, encouraging the advanced workers to improve their performance in the new year, encouraging all employees to make persistent efforts and learn from the excellent employees.

Winner of excellent employees in 2015

Speech by 2015's outstanding middle-level cadre representative

Speech by the representative of excellent middle-level cadres in 2015

Speech by representatives of excellent employees in 2015

It is worth mentioning that this year, the company has innovated the activity process of the conference around the theme of "promoting innovation  cultivating talents", and added employee interaction links as a warm-up program for the New Year's mobilization conference. Through a series of funny, cheerful or exciting interactive games, the company has shortened the distance between employees, and also actively mobilized the atmosphere of the event site, and the full house of laughter has pushed the event to a climax.

Interactive games(grab the bench)

At the end of the event, the festive gongs and drums for the New Year were sounded. All the staff raised their glasses to celebrate the new year and wished Minghuang Company a new look and a grand plan for the Monkey Festival!